General Information
- Learn about what makes ̨ÍåÉ«ÇéÍø the company that it is today! Visit our About Us page or check out Our Locations to get the scoop on the more than 80 travel destinations that we operate across North America.
Our Story
- ̨ÍåÉ«ÇéÍø’s driving purpose is to be the Traveler’s Best Friend. Find out more about Our Story, what makes us so Distinctive, the experience of our Management Team, and how we strengthen community relationships through our Corporate Social Responsibility programs.
Exchanges & Returns
- For Exchanges and Returns, please reach out to us at contactus@dufry.com and we’ll be happy to help you! There have been recent changes due to COVID-19, so be sure to review our updated Returns Policy.
̨ÍåÉ«ÇéÍø Nonstop
- ̨ÍåÉ«ÇéÍø Nonstop is powered by Amazon's Just Walk Out technology! To obtain your receipt, register in store by entering your email address or visit: .
For all other ̨ÍåÉ«ÇéÍø Nonstop inquiries, mail: contactus@dufry.com
Ecommerce Websites
Job Opportunities
- Interested in working with us, click .
Comments, Questions, or Concerns
- Share your comments, questions, or concerns with ̨ÍåÉ«ÇéÍø by emailing us at contactus@dufry.com. *Due to COVID-19, there may be a delay in response time.